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Virtual march in Brussels

In Brussels security concerns led to several false starts - gathering on 29 November at noon on the central Grand Place - yes, no, yes ....

To play it safe, there were several smaller activities all geared to exchange about what was at stake for our future at the Paris Summit and showing solidarity not only with the victims of the Paris and Beirut attacks, but with refugees fleeing violence and destruction of their environment and with all those in need.

In one of the events, participants recalled specifically the role of the ocean for climate stabilisation and life on Earth.

Felicitas, Marcos, Marianne, Regine, Peter, Manuela, Rafa, Nadia, Dorothea.... participated in a virtual march for the climate and sent this picture.

This wonderful multigenerational initiative made a pledge to take practical steps to protect the climate through something within their means they could do in their own daily lives. An example to follow! Let it become thousands, millions doing likewise.