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mmclubThe CEM of Cayar in action


On the occasion of World Environment Day 2012, May 5, and under the auspices of the Marine Protected Area, a major operation to clean the beach in Cayar was organised with the assistance of the local Fisheries Service and the Municipality.

Invited to this part of the maritime clean-up action, the Club Mundus maris of the CEM Cayar achieved a strong mobilisation of pupils, who played a decisive role in the operation.

With educational support for teachers of the institution and the organisational staff of Marine Protected Area more than three hundred CEM pupils, armed with rakes, shovels and garbage bags triggered the offensive for cleaning the beach.


Before starting, a rally worthy of a rap concert was attended by students, who listened attentively to the Principal of the College situate the importance of the event to get things rolling toward the beach, which the kids occupied for more than five hours in the sticky heat prior to the rainy season.

Literally, the beach was subjected to a huge sweep, which spared nothing: carcasses of dead animals, plastic bags, all kinds of scrap on the beach-side and harmful to its aesthetic and economic exploitation.

The opportunity has been taken to revisit the issue of protection of the marine and coastal environment, but also on the school curriculum pilot project to integrate education on the protection of the marine environment in the education system.

Tools of the teaching aid kit were revisited and explained to a very attentive young audience, leaflets were distributed to publicise the NGO Mundus Maris and its goal towards the conservation or restoration of marine ecosystems, the respectful use of indigenous knowledge and promoting artistic expression in the service of sustainable development.

The ceremony saw the visit of the Municipal Authority, the Mayor, the Head of the Department of Fisheries and the Captain of the Marine Protected Area, who, by turns, have recognised the involvement of the Mundus maris Club and its pupils in the operation, which ended late in the afternoon heat akin to a drying oven.

All agree: after having cleaned, the task is now to stand as sentinel to preserve this state and the need to police the protection of the site. The school club is ready to play the game.

Provided it is supported.

Abibou Diop, Principal of the CEM of Cayar

See the picture gallery of the day.



Un momento en la acción de limpieza de la playa de Cayar, el 5 de mayo, Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente de 2012Un momenton e las acciones de limpieza de la playa de Cayar, el 5 de mayo, Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente de 2012Un momento en las acciones de limpieza de la playa de Cayar, el 5 de mayo, Día Mundial de Medio Ambiente 2012Se colectaban todos tipos de basuraTodo tipo de basura se recogieron, dejando la playa linda y limpia Cansados ​​pero contentos después de la limpieza en el calor tremendoLos resultados podrían verse también en el número de sacos llenos de basuraLa foto de grupo de los alumnos después de la limpieza de la playa