The primary school Cayar 1 and the mid-level school (CEM) in Cayar mobilise for the environment and the protection of the sea

by Sidy Sarr, Cayar 1 School

The celebration of World Environment Day, 5 June 2013, was a highlight in rallying all stakeholders: teachers, students, parents, people in the village, technical services (Water and Forests, the Marine Protected Area and fisheries services, the gendarmerie, the factories, the women fish processors and the artisanal fishers).



The first action was the consultation of all stakeholders to develop the activities. They were developed along the following main lines:


  • Upstream creation of awareness in the schools, the municipal administation, the services;
  • Build and mobilise capacity (human, material, financial);
  • Cleanup various sites: the schools, the beaches, the landing sites and public places.


The awareness campaign was carried out by the School Cayar 1 and CEM through a poetry competition, slogans and theater.


The success of this phase already supported through our teaching for apprenticeship has greatly facilitated the task.


It has raised significantly the expectation and the craze among the people that were generated during the 5th of June and during 8th of June - World Oceans Day .


The second phase was led by the curator of the Marine Protected Area (MPA) of Cayar for obtaining equipment and finances:


A sum of FCFA 500,000 was obtained for a hundred t -shirts, shovels, rakes, forks, gangs etc. 


A steering committee has been established.


The third phase is still Environment Day itself, June 5, 2013.



The School Cayar 1 and the CEM have mobilised 1,500 students distributed across the activities as follows:

  • 1,000 students remained in institutions to clean toilets, bathrooms and surroundings .
  • 400 elementary school children and secondary school pupils joined the technical services to clean the beach.
  • 100 students went to fish landing sites accompanied by parents on the ground to consider continuity.


A conference on "Thinking, Eating, Maintaining" closed activities in the afternoon in front of the fish landing site.


A rich and fruitful discussion took place.


The steering committee is responsible for monitoring selected perspectives, notably:


  •     A monitoring committee consisting of 5 teachers, 50 students and 5 ecoguards must protect the cleaned sites.
  •     A scientific and strategic comission composed of department heads for reflection and development activities.
  •     A comission for organisation composed of teachers, students, women fish processors ASC; partners for all environmental events.

These helpful recommendations are the work of Cayar 1 School and the CEM of Cayar to deliver you that information.


The cameras provided by Mundus maris have served to document the activities visually by taking pictures.


Computers and photocopying machines are also teaching tools in high demand by our institutions.