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Campus Plein Sud 2013 takes place at the ULB from 4 to 15 March





Mundus maris - Sciences and Arts for Sustainability asbl has maintained a high level of participation in the 2013 agenda of Campus Plein Sud at the Free University of Brussels (ULB). This time, we organise or participate again in four events.

The theme in the 11th year of existence focuses land and sustainability issues, this time with particular attention to landgrabbing and interactions between different 'sectors' and the many dimensions of the debate about the state and future of the soils and the land on the continents of our Planet.

We can make a meaningful contribution to these thematic orientations as every second breath we take is from the ocean. The sea are a transport route for products from the land and unfortunately a recipient of dangerous levels of land-based pollution.

From its beginning, the ambition of Campus Plein Sud was to inform the campus community of the many facets of development "in the global South". This way, the organisers want to replace the caricature of misery or exoticism often painted by the media with more nuanced understanding. The climate change, global trade and sustainability perspectives forcefully illustrate global interdependencies. The calendar of our contributions comprises:

  • 6 March 2013 - Open course of Prof. Paul Jacobs "Interaction land - sea",
    16h00-18h00, UD2.120, Solbosch Campus, speaker Dr Cornelia E Nauen
  • 11 March 2013 - International Workshop "Education for Sustainabiity in an interdependent world",
    10h00-16h00, Institute of Sociology, Salle Janne, 15th floor, 44 ave. Jeanne, 1050 Brussels
  • 13 March 2013 - NGO Forum,
    11h00-17h00, Avenue Paul Héger-Solbosch Campus
  • 13 March 2013 - Cine-debate in the course of Prof. Gemenne,
    17h00-18h00, "Awa SEYE - leader of women in artisanal fisheries in Senegal" with subsequent debate with the social activist herself,
    Room: AY2.108 - Solbosch Campus

Campus Plein Sud at the ULB is organised by SEDIF. Follow the programme to read on for brief accounts about the activities supported by Mundus maris. Updates will be made as the programme unfolds.