A network of 23 sports associations around Hann Bay develop their action plan in partnership with Mundus maris
A network of 23 organisations including 15 sports and cultural associations (ASC) with soccer teams and traditional wrestling as their principal activity in the popular neighbourhoods officially launched this weekend, May 18, 2014, the programme to celebrate World Oceans Day, June 8, 2014.
This programme was developed in partnership with Mundus maris (MM) and is the result of a collaborative journey that began already some time ago.
This is indeed the result of conversations and negotiations which started about three weeks earlier between these associations on the one hand and the team of local MM volunteers.
Recognising the outstanding role of mass sports (particularly wrestling and soccer) in popular communication and social mobilisation, the network members have thought about how to value the sports activities in combination with social objectives.
Thus, they themselves have offered the most effective strategy for achieving the desired results that was implemented, ie activities based on the awareness of how important cleanliness and general good condition of the environment are in which the community evolves and exercises its rights and responsibilities as citizens.
The animation team (steering committee) had proposed the following schedule:
- Qualifying plays during the soccer tournament and a gala in traditional wrestling called Mbapatt on 16 and 17 May in Hann Bay, in the space in front of the local fishermen's committee (local office of the National Collective of Fishermen in Senegal - CNPS).
- Final match in the soccer tournament for young people under 15 years, followed by the final fight in the gala Mbapatt on Sunday, 18 May 2014 on the bay.
Convinced that these competitions will attract people given the passion of the people for soccer and wrestling, the steering committee, co-chaired by Abdoulaye SY and Doudou SALL, two ASC leaders, suggested the idea of the official launch of a programme leading to the celebration of World Oceans Day on June 8, during these two finals on Sunday, May 18.
The event was indeed a great success. The image to the right gives a flavour of the atmosphere.
As proposed by the steering committee in agreement with the Mundus maris team, the most gripping moments of the day 18 May, were these:
The opening ceremony from 11:00 in the presence of the presidents of ASC and officials of the wrestling stables concerned, the local population and some leaders of the local fishermen's committee.
The honour was given to the representative of Mundus maris, Aliou SALL, to make the first speech. It was an invitation to present our dreams and achievements, based also on materials the participants had already seized (eg leaflets).
This was mainly an opportunity to emphasize the philosophy of Mundus maris to support grassroots initiatives of civil society and create spaces for dialogue based on mutual respect that lead to new areas of practice.
These activities together give hope and experience to better address the necessary improvements in the living conditions of all generations.
It was also a great opportunity for fishermen to become familiar with the fish ruler that has generated a lot of curiosity.
During the ceremony, the co-chair of the steering committee, Abdoulaye Sy, urged the local residents to actively prepare for this year's World Oceans Day.
He also gave details on what the ASC network and wrestling stables are ready to provide on the one hand, and what they expect partners to do on the other.
As for their own contributions, they are committed to fully exploit the sports and cultural associations (ASC) in the neighborhood as opinion leaders for mobilising those living next to the Bay well beyond the young soccer players and wrestlers. Moreover, for the campaign in favour of celebrating 8th June, they are ready to mobilise and make a poster campaign on a large scale along the coast.
Regarding Mundus maris or other potential partners, they would like to receive support for making specific posters for World Oceans Day on the one hand and - as is the case for the programme launch on 18 May - provide prizes and trophies for the wrestling gala and the soccer tournament on 8 June.
A lunch break was made around 13:00. From 15:00 the final soccer match for youth under 15 years kicked off, followed by the final wrestling fight for under 15 year olds. Following the latter, it was the turn of the final for senior wrestlers.
Several prizes and trophies were provided by MM, namely
(I) a cup and a soccer ball (competition quality) for the winners under 15 years and a competition soccer ball for the loosing team; a third ball was offered to the best scorer.
(Ii) a bag of rice for the winner in the wrestling competition and a roll of 30 yards of fabric used by wrestlers for their battle dress; allowing teams who lack everything to have at least the basic equipment for their training.
Prizes for soccer have been earned by the ASC team Salon Bi (winner) and ASC Mbekh-Mi (2nd).
In the passionate wrestling competition, Yaadikoone (Stable Dalifort) triumphed over the wrestler Saa-Waragne (Stable Waloga).
Trophies and all prizes have been donated by the vice president of Mundus maris, Aliou SALL.
The last part of the programme was devoted to the planning of activities and the allocation of tasks for a successful World Oceans Day.
Several key decisions were taken.
First, the network articulated to its action plan as follows
- establishment of seven animation committees, one for each of the 7 main neighbourhoods of the town to become operational by the end of May under the supervision of the Steering Committee.
- human investment into cleaning Hann Bay from late May until the first week of June - at the latest until 7 June.
- celebration of World Oceans Day, 8 June, on the Bay of Hann.
During World Oceans Day, the following activities are planned:
(I) a wrestling gala and a soccer tournament; various stakeholders will be invited, such as fishing associations, traditional leaders and other stakeholders concerned with the environment.
(II) On this occasion, in addition to trophies and prizes for wrestling and soccer, a prize will be handed over to the neighbourhood animation committee for the best clean up and embellishment of the coastline.
At the closing, the Chairman of the Steering Committee reiterated their need to develop partnerships with organisations such as Mundus maris in a perspective of empowerment through mobilisation of educational, financial and material support for their efforts in favour of a healthy and sustainable marine environment.
Watch this space!